Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hey y’all! I am Cody Shumaker and I came to Mississippi from Illinois via Teach for America. I taught social studies for 3 years in Shelby, Mississippi...#ilivemyjob. I began thinking about administration at the beginning of my second year and worked with our Alumni Director to prepare to gain acceptance into the Principal Corps. The day I finally found out was AMAZING…#thankyoujesus…mainly because Courtney Van Cleve and I were waiting and waiting for an e-mail…only to find it a week later in our school e-mail that we seldom used!

Being a student at Ole Miss is a three-year dream come true…HOTTY TODDY…#iloveoxford!!! My new Southern friends who went to SEC schools did not see me as a legitimate Rebel fan. Well, look who is talking now!

Our first week has been an interesting change…back to dorm living…#freshmanagain. The amount of work has been challenging, but not overwhelming. Prioritizing has become a necessity…make time to get your work done and everything works out well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the members of my cohort and analyzing their background and experiences. There are four of us from the Delta…#believeinthedelta, one from Jackson Public, two from the Jackson suburbs, and one from NortheastMississippi..#pontotocisbetterthantupelobutnotlafeyettecounty. We have elementary, middle school, and high school experience with children of all walks of life.

This program…#mspc2011…is going to be a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to jump into our internships…#nowtherealfunbegins…and get some real experience and start putting our learning into action. The memories have already begun to be formed…#falsepatrick and #checkyouremail…and I am sure more will be formed with this crazy group of eight talented teachers…#eightisenough.

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